The one thing people know about OWS is that it doesn't like "corporate greed."
As you know, one of the choices for the conservative candidate for President of the United States of America is Michelle Bachmann, a woman who thinks the U.S. is "running out of rich people." (2009). Rich people + heterosexuals + birth certificates + bibles make Michelle really happy.
Put together, Katherine Harris, Michelle Bachmann, and Sarah Palin, form a Trinity of Terror for me.
Each has been described as "hot", especially Sarah Palin. They are decent-looking women but bat-shit crazy rich bitches.. whose inner ugliness is revealed in so many images...and they become frightening caricatures (and even more in their words, their votes, and their actions)..
Oh this evil triumvirate. When are conservatives going to stop treating women like showpieces and put forth an intelligent, sensible, conservative candidate? I mean I don't want to be anti-woman but these women are gross. Not because they are women but because they are greedy, lying, crazy bitches. There are plenty of idiotic, lying, fanatical, bigoted, corporate cowing, bible thumping, gay bashing, female mouthpieces of greed.
But I don't care about talking heads. I care about the women elected to office. Katherine Harris isn't going anywhere, and Sarah Palin, as I predicted, has been cast away once the party is done with her, like an embarrassing aunt who winks at you over Thanksgiving dinner and says grace in tongues. You only bring her out to close family who like her 'kooky' way with facts and truth and sense.
Compare these crazy bitches to Elizabeth Warren, a modest, intelligent, sensible, practical woman who doesn't get by on looks, lies, and hyperbolic rants, but sense and decency, with rational arguments that appeal to supporters and detractors equally with grace and empathy.
But Michelle Bachmann is really frightening to me on a number of levels. She loves lying and bibles, rich people and making rich people richer. By the way, if you're interested in some of the atrocious things she has said and done, she has an entry on "dikipedia". She has said that the biggest issue affecting America in the next 30 years is gay marriage. Yes, she did.
Bachmann also refuses to give tax breaks to middle and lower income Americans (she says its wasteful) but she has no problem extending tax cuts for rich people. Anything less is a war on the rich (have you ever noticed how everything is a "war" these days? I want to wage war on inappropriate usage of nouns)...
Listen you guys, its all about gay marriage. Right?
So why are you guys worried about all this money stuff? Why can't poor people just shut up?
I would love to hear specific things OWS is planning to do to make a difference about $ and a coherent philosophy about why money is the central concern. Start. Do it now.
Anything at all.. I am listening..
The one thing people know about OWS is that it doesn't like "corporate greed."
As you know, one of the choices for the conservative candidate for President of the United States of America is Michelle Bachmann, a woman who thinks the U.S. is "running out of rich people." (2009). Rich people + heterosexuals + birth certificates + bibles make Michelle really happy.
Put together, Katherine Harris, Michelle Bachmann, and Sarah Palin, form a Trinity of Terror for me.
Each has been described as "hot", especially Sarah Palin. They are decent-looking women but bat-shit crazy rich bitches.. whose inner ugliness is revealed in so many images...and they become frightening caricatures (and even more in their words, their votes, and their actions)..
Oh this evil triumvirate. When are conservatives going to stop treating women like showpieces and put forth an intelligent, sensible, conservative candidate? I mean I don't want to be anti-woman but these women are gross. Not because they are women but because they are greedy, lying, crazy bitches. There are plenty of idiotic, lying, fanatical, bigoted, corporate cowing, bible thumping, gay bashing, female mouthpieces of greed.
But I don't care about talking heads. I care about the women elected to office. Katherine Harris isn't going anywhere, and Sarah Palin, as I predicted, has been cast away once the party is done with her, like an embarrassing aunt who winks at you over Thanksgiving dinner and says grace in tongues. You only bring her out to close family who like her 'kooky' way with facts and truth and sense.
Compare these crazy bitches to Elizabeth Warren, a modest, intelligent, sensible, practical woman who doesn't get by on looks, lies, and hyperbolic rants, but sense and decency, with rational arguments that appeal to supporters and detractors equally with grace and empathy.
But Michelle Bachmann is really frightening to me on a number of levels. She loves lying and bibles, rich people and making rich people richer. By the way, if you're interested in some of the atrocious things she has said and done, she has an entry on "dikipedia". She has said that the biggest issue affecting America in the next 30 years is gay marriage. Yes, she did.
Bachmann also refuses to give tax breaks to middle and lower income Americans (she says its wasteful) but she has no problem extending tax cuts for rich people. Anything less is a war on the rich (have you ever noticed how everything is a "war" these days? I want to wage war on inappropriate usage of nouns)...
Listen you guys, its all about gay marriage. Right?
So why are you guys worried about all this money stuff? Why can't poor people just shut up?
I would love to hear specific things OWS is planning to do to make a difference about $ and a coherent philosophy about why money is the central concern. Start. Do it now.
Anything at all.. I am listening..
Sarah Palin is not a conservative excepted in the eyes of the mainstream media. Seriously just travel to far-right blogs and talk to orthodox religious people. Most traditional conservatives criticize her, oppose her and a few even despise her. In their eyes she's nothing more than a liberal lite and a fake conservative. I've been perusing far-right blogs for 2 years and I rarely hear about Palin or even Bachmann but when I come to liberal blogs such as yours they can't stop talking about her. I know this may seem novel and surprising to you but to far-right wingers she's nothing more than an embarassment, a liar, a narcissist and a joke. To Christians she's little more than a fake Christian and greedy so you got the "greedy ladies" thing spot-on. Congratulations for getting the narcissist aspect right. You just forgot the fake conservative and superficial Christianity aspects.