
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Corporate Stock Options: Stop Protesting Start Thinking!!

Here is an example of what I mean when I suggest that by getting out of the parks and getting to working on new ideas, protestors might make more of a lasting and tangible difference with their issues; here is what I mean when I say I wish people would think anew and be innovative rather than try to protest in outdated modes that don't fit the twenty first century.

Much of the protest seems directed, as far as I can tell from loose cries of "Greed!" and "Disparity!, at Corporate Executive Officers and the like.

Yesterday, on National Public Radio's "Morning Edition" they broadcast a show that discussed whether or not CEO's should continue to receive stock options. Give it a listen.

You really want to stick it to the rich? Make them play the game more fairly. I'm not claiming to have a shrewd business mind or a complex understanding of business. But you know what? I bet one of the protestors does. So why can't he/she get out of the park and gather ye wise minds together and come up with an innovative plan. One that deals with business by understanding business. Take away stock options, for example, and insist that CEOs of major corporations invest a certain percentage, say 20, of their own personal funds in the corporate stock. This would be functional and effective without challenging the ideals of free enterprise and the American Dream that pay-caps suggest. If the company does well, the CEOs do well. What's wrong with that? Right now if the company does or doesn't do well the CEOs do well, by and large, and aren't hurt nearly as much as people lower on the scale who are absolutely gutted when they lose their jobs, pensions, or take furloughs and massive pay cuts. That would certainly be incentive to assure that the company, as a whole, is understood as a wholistic and interdependent collaboration of workers and work. Executives and administrators should have as much of their lives and livelihood on the line. That's a good company and that's good business practice.  Of time, money, and spirit, of stake and shares, investment should mean investment.

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